Kembali lagi dan ternyata masih banyak artikel-artikel yang bisa ditulis dan disharekan kepada para pembaca sekalian. Harapan kami hal itu bukanlah untuk show off alias PAMER tetapi lihat the BROGHT SIDE-nya… alias positifnya. Siapa tahu ada yang terinspirasi untuk menulis sesuatu yang ada dikepala kita atau yang belum tahu jadi tahu, plus tambah wawasan…

Kalau sebelumnya membahas tentang Supersize ME and Be Creative dengan Permainan Lego, maka kita kali ini akan dibawa oleh kakak-Kakak kelas enam untuk menambah wawasan tentang beberapa bagian dunia… tentang daerah dan cirri khasnya..
Salah Satunya ya Kota Kinabalu. Dianca pernah berkunjung ke Kota ini yang terletak di Malaysia Barat atau yang terletak dibagian Utara Pulau Kalimantan. Kalian pasti heran bila lihat Ikonnya apa itu? IKAN SOTONG alias a Swordfish dan salah satu tujuan wisata ialah gunung tertinggi dipulau itu. Dianca tidak hanya berkujung tapi dia juga berbagi tips dan saran bagaimana mengelar acara liburan bersama keluar.. let follow her story…
Have you ever seen beautiful scenery out of Indonesia??...
Was it good, so awesome, or extraordinary??..
Or maybe have you ever seen such beautiful scenery on the moon, on this planet and every thing up there??... I believe you have!
I wrote this topic because I like seeing scenery … which is awesome and beautiful. Before I tell you about my story, I will introduce my self. My name is Dianca Graciela. Now, i am in Grade Six Plus of Sekolah Mutiara Bunda Sidoarjo. My hobbies are drawing, listening to music, and seeing or looking for beautiful scenery at some places.
When you want to travel to some places, you must know the tips.
There are 2 tips that i know:
· Make a Plan first with your family
· Find information on the internet about the place you want to go
And if you still get confused where to go, I still have another solutions, which are:
· Find place which has fresh air/oxigen means clean and healthy air
· Find place where it doesn’t make you feel bored.
· One thing for sure, you must find a place which is safe and having good scenery.
You should do my suggestion unless you will get dissapointed of your choice for you holiday.
I have a story, it is about my last holiday. I went to Malaysia, western Malaysia exactly. Over there i went to beach at Kinabalu city. The beach is so beautiful. The sand is not dirty too. And then i took a picture there. I went to Kalimantan as well, i went to the top of one mountain in Kalimantan or Borneo Island. It was beautiful and i will miss that time so much.
Do you know that Kalimantan is also called Borneo Island? And when you were in Kalimantan, you can go to Malaysia by Land transportation. You can take a bus or a car and you will pass the border or Indonesia and Kalimantan.
That’s all about my story, i wish you can be more selective to find place for your holiday destination. And thank you for reading this story.
Sudah puas menikmati pemandangan dinegara tetangga kita???... oke ayo kita ke Europe alias Benua Eropa kita. Ada cerita tentang Belgia dan makanan Khasnya. Kali ini kita akan dipandu oleh Artikelnya Natasha… let’s get Going…
The Belgian CHIPS, Cake & Cookies
The Capital of Belgium is Brussels. The official Languages are Dutch, French, and German. The Governmental systems are Federal Parliamentary Democracy and Constitutional Monarchy.
Do you know the total land area of Belgium? The total area of Belgium is 30,528km2.. In 2011 the population is estimated to 11,007.020. The Belgium currency is EURO.
Belgium is famous for beer, chocolate, waffles and French fries. Beer in Belgium varies from the popular pale lager to lambic beer and Flemish red.
The Belgian waffle is a type of waffle identified by its larger size, lighter batter and higher grid pattern which forms deep pockets and has larger squares. The Liège waffle (from the city of Liège, in eastern Belgium) is a richer, denser, sweeter, and chewier waffle. The Brussels waffle is based on a batter raised with yeast as opposed to most North American waffle or pancake batters, which are raised with baking powder.
This is where many North American attempts at the Brussels /Belgian waffle fall down: the yeast raising changes the chemistry of the batter, producing a tenderer crumb in the finished waffle than a baking-powder raising can. The yeast and the beaten egg whites which are folded into the batter work together to produce a light crisp waffle. The Brussels waffle is rectangular and usually about an inch thick, with fairly deep "dimples". When you buy it on the street or in a shop in Belgium, it usually comes dusted with a little confectioners' sugar / icing sugar, and maybe spread with chocolate or thick whipped cream. But you can also get it piled high with fruit and other goodies.
Do you know why Belgium chocolate is so delicious ?
It's because Belgian chocolate traditionally mixes cocoa paste, sugar and cocoa butter in varying proportions. Dark Belgian chocolate uses the most cocoa, milk chocolate mixes n milk, and white chocolate is made be extracting only the butter from the cocoa. So it would be delicious.
Frieten or frites
Deep-fried chipped potatos, are very popular in Belgium. In Belgium you can buy fries in special places called "friteries" in (Wallonia and Brussels) or "frietkot"/ "fritkot" / "frituur" in (Brussels and Flanders).
They are served with a large variety of sauces and eaten either on their own or in the company of other snacks as fricandelle or burgers. Traditionally, they are served in a "cornet de frites", a conic white piece of cardboard then wrapped in a piece of paper, with a good spoonful of sauce on the top. With the fries they serve many traditional fastfood products, such as frikandel,gehaktebal or kroket
French fries wrapped in a traditional paper cone, served with mayonnaise and curry ketchup, with a small plastic fork on top and a frikandel on the side.
Weeeeelll… udah puas Wisata Chips Cake and Cookies khas Belgia?... So How about Going to England… dari Belgia ke England bisa ditempuh dengan banyak ragam tranportasi. Gimana kalo naik kereta api aja?.. lho Khan ada laut pemisah?... tenang Saja!!!! Kita bisa lewat Dover – Calais Tunnel… alias terowongan Bawah air dan bawah
Mau Ngapain di England…. Just Wait & See the next Blog Okkay…