Finding The Jewel
Episode 1 -
Two Travelers and a Mighty Keeper
Narrator1: Once upon a time…. ( suara lembut lalu perlahan malas diiringi lagu Mr Bojangle 2. Setelah lagu habis tidak ada music yang mengalun)
Travelers masuk berjalan kesana sini di sekitar panggung.
Narrator2: STOP!!! Why every story must be started by …Once upon a time? (menirukan N1).. ok let try this…. JUST LIKE THIS…. Like my style (percaya diri)
Oke.. two.. man walking, you know?… two man… see? They are walking on the road…
Narrator1: of course we are walking on the road not in the water… oh Please! who wrote this story anyway?...
Narrator2: Of course… You!

Narrator2:… looking for something… something precious… some great… something that… cannot…. be bought…. with your pocket money…. you spend at…. Your school canteen…
Narrator1: After that, they took a rest….
F1 : wow… I am so tired… my leg get so hurt… it seems swollen , I hope it wouldn’t break my legs… let’s take a break for a while…
F2: A while… is ok mate, but all day long… is WONDEEEEERFulllll…. By the way, I think I can help you so you will never feel you leg broken?...
F1: really…? How’s that?
F2: just cut off your leg. Then you will never have a leg anymore so… you will never feel broken legs…. What do you think….?
Oh God! I feel so tired… and thirsty… and hungry…. I miss my mommy too… I hope she were here…
Narrator2: Then,… suddenly appears in the midst…
Masuk Music k2 “Space ghost” dharma masuk tapi tidak berbicara. Dharma keliling panggung, mata tertuju kepada 2 traveller. Kedua anak juga tidak tahu.
Music berhenti…
Gods: ho ho ho… what ARE YOU DOING HERE? (heran marah)
F1&F2: Whooaaa!!!!! Who are you???? ….
F2: I miss my mom… and I hope fpr my mommy…. Not this scary creature….
F1: look at you! You are so ugly…. You are hairy….! So… weird… and look at you… so old… gak keren blas! Jujur aj ya?
Gods: what are you talking about?... I have told you… MIND YOUR LANGUAGE!!!! Otherwise… something bad with happens to you?
F1&F2: A thousand apologize almighty Gods… please forgive our mistake…
Gods: I forgive u this time....ONLY! but Why are you sitting here?.... ( kaget) this is my throne… you know I am the Keeper of this forest…! (sombonG)… because… aaaahhh you know… the strongest and the most powerfull gitu lho?.... he he he (berlagak sombong)
F2: So what gitu lho….? I don’t know who you are … and I don’t want to know what you are … and You please tell me … if I need to know.. ANYTHING ABOUT you?... (say like a songs)
Gods: DO you mean YOUR LANGUAGE??? Mind it OFF!!! I think I know what are you looking for…? I think you are looking for the jewell true?
F1: the jeweeeels…. The jeeeeewweeeeeel…. He he he… oh i…. seeee….. wow… u are the one and… the only True Gods… I think … you are not only… the strongest… the powerful… but also… lost of wisdom…
Gods: lost of wisdom????......
F2: No….… lots of wisdom… not lost of wisdom…. He he he
Gods:… this is my message… listen… carefully… YOU CAN HAVE THE JEWEL if YOU HAVE A KIND HEART… or… YOU WILL NEVER FIND THE Jewel… You will never find… it…. And the second… YOU SHOULD FOLLOW MY COMMAND….
Narraor1: Then… he is gone in the midst… as usually like a children… Story tales…
(lagu space ghost pertama keras lalu hilang perlahan2… mnjadi backround)
F1: oh… NO… he is gone… and leave us alone… with no clues at all instead of being… NICE and Kind… and no command to follow either?....
F2: She left us so soon… she is means to us… make us confused…. What sort of god she is…
F1: what should we do now?....
F2: I know…. We should… walk again… looking for the nice bathroom…
Narrator2: Gods sound’s appears and hears …
God: I LEAVE YOU ALONE BECAUSE… YOU ARE SO SMELLY… YOU SHOULD TAKE A SHOWER TWICE A DAY… THAT is my first command!!! or you will be lumutan here !!!
F2: Thank you for that command I will take a bath !!!! Don’t want to waste time here!!!
Tunggu alunan music selesai lalu masuklah…
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